This morning I am filled with a conscious awareness – an almost visceral sense of GRATITUDE and it got me to wondering…
Last week I was caused to be in a mini workshop that had us reflect on and ‘choose’ that one word that is more important to us as a state of being, than any other indicator of personal reference. It was an exercise approached through reflection, choice, reflection, further refinement, reflection, and finally fine-tuned down to that one word. The one word to which I surrender is Gratitude.
This morning not only was I feeling a tremendous sense of gratitude, I was also curious about the vibrational frequency of being in a state of gratitude. But maybe it is even greater than a feeling state…
And, so I went next to the notion of Dr Masaru Emoto and his work with water crystal formation according to the power of words, wondering about the impact of Gratitude, as a simple word, on the crystallization of water. Check it out here:
WOW. When I am in an experience of Gratitude, it is a mixture of overwhelming love, awe, and excitement – overall quite delicious indeed. AND, when we think then to how words have the power to change the crystals in water, I ask YOU: do you think it matters to be in charge of a word or the words that you would choose to be true to and to have as a word(s) that defines you – gives direction, purpose, an identity? What if you don’t choose your word? What if you allow your mind to wander aimlessly over the endless loops of self-talk that run our lives if/when left unchecked?
Over the past 8 months I have been inside a training curriculum for certification as a Yoga teacher. It was strong upon my heart to inculcate this rigour and then be better able to weave it in with the other human growth pathways upon which I walk with clients, colleagues, family, friends, and myself. More of this journey anonJ
For the journey of this discipline – yes even the hard steps – Gratitude.
Would it surprise you to read that I have long since learned that we can actually have Gratitude for even the sorrier stories in our life? It is true. We can learn to love and give thanks for all the moments. In fact, there is another video I would like to suggest for you. I found it this morning when I went searching:
What is your ‘word’? Would you like to play a game to find out?